Complete our online application
We are here to serve our NetJets families in need. If you feel your family could benefit from us, we encourage you to apply for assistance by completing our online application. Grants are awarded in accordance with our program guidelines. Documentation such as paperwork from a medical care provider, a fire and/or police report, and/or financial statements must accompany the submission. Please contact our manager by phone at 614-259-8559 or by email at kbarrygood@netjetsfamily.org.
How we help
Over 650 Families
Since our creation in 2008, we have helped more than 650 families in need.
$1 Million+ Disbursed
In addition, we have disbursed nearly $1 million in grant assistance.
$10 per Paycheck
Employees who contribute to us donate an average of $10 per paycheck.
Support our mission.
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